Student poses with her notes during a field trip to Everglades National Park.

Our School

Ocean Studies Charter School is an A-rated public school based on the best practices of accelerated learning, and offers a rigorous academic program, producing students who meet or exceed the Florida State Standards in English, language arts, math, science, and social studies.

Ocean Studies Charter School had its inaugural year in 2011 and is the only marine science based school in the Florida Keys. OSCS has grown from 38 students in 2011 to 180 students in 2022!
Our program is both unique and inspiring. The school’s success lies in its marine science program and weekly field labs that ensure all students explore and interact with the natural environment around them, thereby stimulating an interest in research and experimentation. This, along with its Montessori foundation, nurtures curiosity, creativity, and imagination, encouraging children to become independent and self motivated learners.

Two students examine the mangroves on a field trip in Key Largo.

Our Mission

To offer a quality public education based on the best practices of accelerated learning that reflects the diversity of the children of Monroe County. OSCS offers a rigorous academic program, producing students who meet or exceed the State Standards in English, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. While nurturing curiosity, creativity, and imagination, we encourage children to become independent, responsible, and self-motivated learners.

Through a uniquely prepared environment and the use of special didactic materials, the students progress through individual educational programs centered on the surrounding marine environment.

Our Vision

To create a foundation for students to become scientists, mathematicians, writers,  free-thinkers, guardians of our waters and responsible citizens of the world.

Student plants a mangrove tree.

Our Curriculum

Our unique marine science curriculum serves as a catalyst for our students to become engaged and excited about learning.

Weekly Field Labs

Weekly field trips that connect and integrate the lesson plans with real-life experience. The children have the benefit of experiencing our near and off shore waters by boat and kayak. We use the field trips for research, to journal, and developing investigative techniques.

Two Teachers per Classroom

Each elementary classroom has two certified or credentialed teachers. The school also has a full marine and general science team who work with small groups and classes on projects continuously throughout the day, weeks and year.

Outdoor Learning Spaces

The outdoor grow tanks provide a hands-on, tactile experience for learning environmental and marine science. The tanks house various marine environments and specimens of which the students take care. In addition, the hardwood hammock eco-pods allow students to study and work outside and in the natural environment.


Each student has access to a school issued Google Chromebook. We are a 1:1 technology school.

The Future of Ocean Studies Charter School

Founded in 2011, the school has rapidly expanded to its current K-5th grade and 112 students, and in order to continue to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards we must now invest in a permanent home.

​With your support to raise $3,300,000, the school can move into it’s own building, refurbished to meet the needs of future generations.

Eliminating the high lease payments will improve the school’s financial position and allow greater investment in its students and teachers. The additional indoor and outdoor space, and upgraded marine science lab, will allow Ocean Studies to fulfill its goal of incorporating a middle school in 2021. The new facility will be hurricane proof and provide a safe educational environment, indoors and out.

Learn More

Updated Marine Science Lab

Modernized Safety & Security

Renovated Child Centered Classrooms

Hurricane Safe (X-Zone)

Middle School ('21 - '22)

Expanded Outdoor Space (Phase II)