The Future of OSCS

When we say #thefutureofoceanstudies, we aren't just talking about the new updated student centered, marine science focused facility we are working toward, but something bigger.

Rendering of the new Ocean Studies Charter School
The Timeline

Elementary School K-5

November 2019

Elementary school capital campaign kickoff!

Principal Woods poses in front of a display of the new school.
Student and parent on bikes pose in front of the Ocean Studies Charter School construction sign.

December 2019

Facility Purchased

March 2020

Begin renovations to Elementary school
(Phase I)

Construction on the new Ocean Studies Charter school.
Front view of Ocean Studies Charter School

August 2020

Open Elementary school for 2020-2021 school year!

Bird's eye view of Ocean Studies Charter school under construction.


Eliminating the high lease payments will improve the school’s financial position and allow greater investment in its students and teachers. The additional indoor and outdoor space, and upgraded marine science lab, will allow Ocean Studies to fulfill its goal of incorporating a middle school in 2021. The new facility will be hurricane proof and provide a safe educational environment, indoors and out.

Donate today to help secure our tomorrow

Founded in 2011, the school has rapidly expanded to its current K-5th grade and 112 students, and in order to continue to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards we must now invest in a permanent home.​With your support to raise $3,300,000, the school can move into it’s own building, refurbished to meet the needs of future generations.

Rendering of the new Ocean Studies Charter School