The Ocean Studies Charter School is a not-for profit 501-C3 corporation chartered by the School Board to provide public education to all eligible-aged students of Monroe County. Children must present a certificate of immunization for those communicable diseases required by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and evidence of a health exam, except as provided by statute (Ocean Studies honors each family’s right to obtain a Religious Exemption). OSCS is a charter public school serving students and families of the Upper Keys and is open to all eligible children subject to space and staff availability. The school admits students regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, income level, disabling conditions or proficiency in the English language.
Families of eligible children must be willing to make a commitment to their child’s education. Commitment to the OSCS mission and educational philosophy manifests itself in the signing of the OSCS Commitment Contract.
Students would be selected for enrollment in one of two ways. If the number of students applying for enrollment does not exceed the number of places available in a given grade, all students applying will be admitted. If the number of students applying for admission exceeds the number of places available in a given grade, the students admitted would be chosen through a lottery process. The lottery process includes determining a wait list for those students who did not get in but would still like to attend The Ocean Studies Charter School. Exceptions include but are not limited to siblings and staff children.
Students living in Monroe County are eligible to apply by the April 16, 2025 at 3:15pm deadline for the 2025-2026 lottery. There will be a lottery held April 17th at 10:00 am to determine enrollment. The number of students enrolled is based on the number of available spots at each grade level. Students that do not get pulled for open spots will be pulled to create a wait list. Families are contacted within 5 days. For students living outside of Monroe County, a separate lottery will be held for any spots still available after all applicants residing in Monroe County are enrolled. Students from outside of the county may also be listed on a separate out of county wait list.
Step 1: Complete the Application for Enrollment below. If you would like a paper copy of the application, please visit Ocean Studies Charter School between 8:15am - 3:15pm, Monday through Friday.
Step 2: Your application will be receipted within 5 working days. Please respond promptly if additional information is needed.
Step 3: After the lottery is held, you will receive an email or call informing you of the outcome.
Students in Monroe County that apply after the application deadline for the 2025-2026 lottery will be enrolled if space is available or placed on a wait list in the order they are received. For students living outside of Monroe County, separate wait lists will be created for use when there are openings and no students waiting for enrollment from within Monroe County.
Step 1: Complete an application
Step 2: Your application will be receipted within 5 working days. Please respond promptly if additional information is needed.
Step 3: When space is available, you will receive an e-mail inviting your student to join our school. This message will have the enrollment packet attached. Please communicate with Michelle Matthews at, School Administrative Manager, or Jessica Martinez at, Assistant Principal, if you have any questions or concerns.
Students may enter Kindergarten if the student is five (5) years of age on or before September 1 of the school year and so on. For grades 1 and beyond the same policy applies. A student who transfers from another state shall be admitted under the same age requirements as established in the state where he/she was previously enrolled, as long as curriculum requirements have been met and extensive proof of this can be provided. Any admissions decision made will be at the discretion of Administration.
The statute requires the following documents prior to enrollment, upon acceptance into the program. The statute prohibits a school from admitting a student, regardless of grade level, who does not comply with the law. State statutes hold parents or guardians of school-aged children responsible for compliance with the law.
Please note: All newly enrolled students will be required to submit and/or complete forms required by the school prior to the start of the school year along with any applicable fees.
1. Evidence of the child’s date of birth in the manner provided by Section 232.03, Florida Statutes to confirm grade assignment; transferring student’s birth certificate must correspond and confirm grade assignment;
2. Evidence of a health examination/physical (completed within twelve months prior to school entry or evidence of an appointment to have such exam within 30 days) in accordance with state board of education rule 6a-6.024. Note: New physicals need to be submitted every two years thereafter, to ensure safe participation in the extensive PE program.
3. An up-to-date immunization record; Florida Statute 232.032 and 232.0315 requires each child who is entering into Florida public school to present a certificate of immunization for the prevention of those communicable diseases for which immunization is required.
4. Documentation of residence including deed or lease agreement/ letter from landlord verifying current residence in Monroe County or another county.
5. Custody Orders if applicable.
The following documents are requested but are not required for admission:
A copy of the enrolling parent’s driver’s license and a copy of the student’s social security card.